The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4169390
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-Apr-23 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
The USPS is pricing itself out of business as far as my post office box, now up to $248 a year. For less than half of that I can buy a sturdy locking mailbox to mount on the wall where my current old house mailbox is. And since it has been ages since I used my card and was asked to punch in my zip code at a gas pump, I think the days of the separate zip code from the house address are over. I'll pay this year then spend the next 12 months making sure that everything important that arrives at the PO box is notified of the change. I've lost a number of things over the years when people didn't notice and sent parcels to previous addresses. The box holders don't feel obligated to return to sender (I do, but I'm in the minority). It'll need enough room to put magazines in through the top but so someone can't open the top and reach in to extract mail. I get enough small parcels in the mail that I'd like them to go into the box most of the time.

Dorothy, I hope the water stays below the level of the house! And I saw a photo you posted on FB of the roadways near your Dupont house. Was that taken from a plane or a drone? Good story about the quick install of the sump. I kept the old sump from my last heat pump; they installed a new one. I've been meaning to list it on one of the freecycle sites.

I made a batch of falafel yesterday, it came out great, and I'll put the leftover balls in the toaster oven to crisp up before eating. There's a batch of tahini sauce as well. I have pita bread in the freezer and all of the fixings for sandwiches. This is part of my effort to get more protein in the diet and not just through more meat consumption. I regularly have red kidney beans, but go in spurts cooking with chick peas and lentils.