The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4169713
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
11-Apr-23 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

The stuff at the mill MY stuff - is only there because the place is so impossibly disorganized that I have not been able to find the good stuff since it was moved there. I organized my section of the move perfectly, only to have it turned totally backwards and then all manner of stuff placed a round it so I could not find anything or even get near to where I thought things were. R is responsible - but not responsible IMO! "Someone else did it." His employees or tenants: "You are responsible for what they do!" Then. of course, there was the break-in when things were vandalized, tossed about... So Sunday, we actually found those few precious boxes - books and albums. I needed his help moving stuff and still ached fiercely after the 3 hour search. Exhausted by happy to find treasures.

R knows he has too much stuff... Right now there is a stack of boxes of books sitting in the back yard with a tarp over them! Some are moldy and he does not want to put them in the basement library. He pondered using the oxonater, if he had a container - "What about the old frig out there?" This may happen before rain comes.

Today, I went to the mill to get a bucket of glaze I could have brought back last trip... And dug up some dwarf purple iris and a couple other unknown perennials I planted several years ago. They will find new homes here. Then I went to buy a couple items at an organic store - but their electric was off and they, reasonably, were not opening the freezer.

So I started back but decided to check the bakery in St. Antoine - closed! but took Rita (very close by) some tall iris from here and a soap dish to sell with her beautiful soaps. Need to make her more.

Sent customer a video of current bowls; He declared them beautiful and will come by "later in the week" to choose. I spent some time on line looking at other CA potters pricing so I do not charge too little. Keeping in mind this is a bulk order but may lead to more, apparently snd I may be "retired" but do want to be fair to me!

Also researched innards to make the corner K cabinet more efficient. R brought a nice set of SS pots and I need storage space. As in one of those twirly things. Found one and will consult with he who must install. I know SRS could but my body no longer endures ...

Oh, I cleaned the first floor - much improved! And scrubbed the yucky dish drainer - Any water that sits becomes brownish. Ans sometimes stinks of chlorine - a major enemy!