The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4169786
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
12-Apr-23 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

I am not responsible for R's stuff! Except to have a hemorage
(sp) when it starts to creep out of control. The LR/DR - The west half of the 1st floor, it fairly sacred - the "Parlor"! IT is lovely - except for the cunningly stuck out of the way (mostly!) ceiling fixtures which may eventually find homes. There is hope for the Kitchen cabinet... Maybe. He approved my idea ...

NOW! the ice is - mostly- off the back deck and there is serious need for new decking... On my mind - how to get this done when he has already asserted "No time this year". And finding someone to do it - Even our friend who runs a superb reno business cannot hire competent workers. R has several major tasks needing immediate attention in his commercial buildings - And one of his two competent staff got tired of waiting and took work elsewhere. R offered to pay him just to keep him around but he needs to be doing! Desperately hoping he will come back soon! Tenants need to move in! (and pay rent)!! So, back porch...

I replanted some of the iris and the "whatever" in the front gardens here. And did some clean up in the small veggie bed out back. Crocuses blooming in front garden and in the "pasture" on the side yard - planted long ago. Coltsfoot also in bloom! And daffies getting there. I shall be delighted when it gets warm enough to put the canna out - after their winter in the hallway with minimal water which seems to have kept them small enough to handle. I could soon (as my energy arrives) put them in large pots in prep for their return to outdoors. A whole bunch of them! Bright yellow!

Looking on Marketplace for a bookshelf for my books - I have a spot in the corner of the den. There is one not too far off - if I can get approval from R for it before it is gone.

Spring!!! A great time for organizing!!