The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172268 Message #4170047
Posted By: GUEST,James Phillips
16-Apr-23 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: Your favourite Protest song.
Subject: RE: Your favourite Protest song.
As far as anti-war songs go I'm very partial to "Lots of Little Soliders" by Matt McGinn and as sung by Barry Dransfield.
My name is what-you-call-me and my fathers was as well. Of a little game he taught me now the story I will tell. We had lots of little soldiers and as sure as the day would come I sent them into battle with a rattle of my drum
(chorus) I put them on the table and I marched them all around then I battered them with cannonballs and watched them falling down. I had lots of little crosses that I laid upon the dead Then I patched up all the wounded and I sent them home to bed.
I went round and asked the neighbours for a penny or a dime to help me buy some soldiers just to help me pass the time. They were always very kindly in supplying me with guns and some of them even let me play at soldiers with their sons.
Whenever I went to the shop to buy my guns and tanks The man there always smiled and patted my head and whispered "Thanks. If it wasn't for your soldier game I don't know what I'd do. You keep my business busy, son, so here's an extra few.
One day I bought some aeroplanes but here is what I found: when I sent them in with bombs to help my army on the ground, they bombed up every soldier there and proved a sorrowful flop - I had to buy another hundred crosses from the shop.
I would very much have liked to teach this little game of guns to my seven beautiful daughters and my fourteen lovely sons. But the man in the shop, he gave me down a bomb from off the shelf. It blew up every soldier, all my neighbours and myself.