The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162741   Message #4170095
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Apr-23 - 12:49 AM
Thread Name: Inappropriate Songs
Subject: RE: Inappropriate Songs
I've been a Catholic all my life. I spent 8 years in the seminary until I discovered the opposite sex, and I've taught as a catechist for over 50 years. But I don't like to wear my religion on my sleeve. When I'm singing in an ordinary song circle, I don't sing songs that are religiously significant to me.

But I often see a guy at song circles who is a fanatical Catholic, and he almost always sings religious songs. And that's embarrassing to me.

Last week at the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround, I sang Woody Guthrie's "Jesus Christ," which is based on "Jesse James." I sang it because I thought it was an interesting song, Woody's near-secular view of Jesus. But it didn't seem to go over. Don't know why. Maybe I offended religious people. I'm sure my ultra-Catholic acquaintance wouldn't like it.