The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172297   Message #4170129
Posted By: GUEST,Beachcomber
17-Apr-23 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Truss rod on a Takamine Guitar (G-Series
Subject: RE: Tech: Truss rod on a Takamine Guitar (G-Series
Thank you all who commented but, particularly Stanron. Your solution by removing "spacers" under the saddles exactly did the job for me. Many thanks.
However, although I won't be interfering with it, the Truss rod end for adjustment (which is situated in the Soundhole rather than in the headstock) is still a puzzle, being much greater, in diameter, than any other guitar that I've seen ???

Now, how do I reduce the "BOW" in a (Nylon strung) Spanish Guitar that has no Trussrod and the saddle of which is already as low as is practical and utility ?