The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172305   Message #4170789
Posted By: Backwoodsman
25-Apr-23 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Political education and voting
Subject: RE: BS: Political education and voting
Attila the Stockbroker on the subject of Voter-ID/Suppression on FaceAche this morning. He’s spot-on, it’s an outrage, a Tory plot to deter the young, the vulnerable, the traditional non-Tory voter, from voting. Along with their carefully-planned and barely-publicised changes to constituency boundaries, it’s an attempt at election-rigging, and the Electoral Commission appear to be hand-in-glove with the them…

”The Electoral Commission are apparently conniving with the Tories’ blatant voter suppression policy by permitting the placement of ‘greeters’ outside polling stations at the forthcoming local elections to ask people if they have ID and turning them away if they do not - without making note of the numbers involved. Not only taking away people’s right to vote but effectively making them invisible.

This is disgusting. If the very people who regulate elections are effectively Tory stooges then what’s the point? It’s like a football match where the referee is on the board of one of the teams!

The take up of the new voter eligibility document is especially low among young people - the ones whose votes the Tories are most desperate to suppress. They LOATHE young people: the latest splutterings about ‘snowflake millennials’ in the Civil Service says it all. The only people the Tories want to vote in elections are people like them - old, rich, selfish, complacent, gullible, bigoted.

The young, the poor, the vulnerable, those overwhelmed by the struggle to survive, those who for whatever reason do not want to draw attention to themselves, are very unlikely to turn up on polling day under the new rules. The instances of voter fraud are minuscule - there’s far more fraud on the Tory benches in the House of Commons than in the polling stations.

Token low key adverts, allowing pensioner ID but disqualifying youth ID, making it as difficult as possible for the people to vote whose lives are difficult already. And then they will turn in their gated communities around and say ‘All you had to do was get the necessary ID’ to people working three jobs to survive.

From the bottom of my heart, I urge all of you to ensure that everyone you know gets the sodding ID and votes for the candidate best placed to beat the Tories in every ward in the country.

We need to absolutely wipe them out: whatever shortcomings are to be found in the opposition parties the Tories are venal, corrupt and evil and unfit to govern.

They are not ‘the same’ as Labour, Lib Dems, Greens, Plaid or the SNP. They are out on their own, on the far right, and they must GO!


I shall be helping get out the vote in Worthing on polling day and shall be proud to do so, helping increase the majority for our transformative council.

Last time I was a teller. If the ID regulations were in force I would have made a note of every person turned away from the polling station due to lack of ID.

I would urge tellers from opposition parties to do so on May 4th.

And I would be grateful if people would desist from saying things like ‘they’re all the same’ on this page from now on.

They’re not. And such remarks do the Tories’ dirty work for them by spreading apathy and disillusionment. Get them out - and then the real battle begins.

I can assure you I shall be right in the front line.”