The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4170974
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Apr-23 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Well I'm just about recovered from my latest bout of cellulitis (which I mentioned on the 21st). Because I was able to strike early with the antibiotics my doc had allowed me to keep at home, I've avoided the horrid swelling and blistering which I've endured in most of my other attacks, and I didn't have to go to hospital. We'd long had a trip planned to Bath, which Mrs Steve wanted to cancel, but I wasn't having that. I know I've not mentioned it on my new thread in which I mentioned Bath, but one of the main objects of the trip was to visit the graves of Mrs Steve's half-sister who died 12 years ago aged 41 in tragic circumstances and, in a completely different location, the grave of her mother and sister. There's no-one else left to do these visits. We could go to Bath, a city which means a lot to Mrs Steve and where our son went to university, and do both grave visits on the same day with a very roundabout drive (the weather was awful!), so we stuck to that and ended up having a couple of really nice days in Bath which included the gastronomy I mentioned in that other thread - and a visit to the William Herschel museum. What a place. It's the house he lived in in the late 1700s with his sister Caroline when he discovered the planet Uranus. It was the first discovery of a new planet since the dawn of mankind - all the others, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, were well known as they are all easy naked-eye objects. There are models of the telescopes he invented as well as lots of exhibits to do with his music - he was a superb classical composer as well as a brilliant astronomer, and his sister Caroline was no shrinking violet either!

You can go into the little back garden and stand on the exact spot from which he discovered Uranus. That is such an unbelievably wonderful thing to be able to do. And the odd thing was that we were the only people there!

I didn't feel great for a few days but one has to battle through! The whole thing was so well worth it.