The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4171105
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
29-Apr-23 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
I retrieved three different tubes of silicone caulking compound from the laundry room cupboard, all fairly elderly but possibly still pliable, if I can get any out of the tubes. I'll run that bead of caulk today before moving ahead with the vinyl squares in the bathroom.

Years ago I bought a lumbar backpack that I seem to have last used when walking the dogs, because I finally found it under a basket of dog related stuff on the bookcase in the den. It was expensive and little used but very dusty so I've soaked it in the kitchen sink and before I could hang it outside to dry I had to put the clothesline back up. One post is very close to where the large hackberry was taken out last month so I had removed the crossmember so it wouldn't get hit by falling branches. Now it is back in place, the lines up, and the black pack is hanging out there and hopefully won't be a mottled dusty color once it's dry.

I used pliers to start tightening the nuts of fence hardware on the clothesline crossmember, but needed a ratchet to finish the job, so stepped nearby into the garage to retrieve the right pieces. And I will note here that I think this set came from my dad's estate (I have 3 sets, this one has the nicest metal case). And every so often even after all of these years (he died in 1997) his household/estate items continue to surprise me. While cleaning up the garage a couple of weeks ago I organized stuff in the shelves and apparently uncovered a plastic blister pack of several drill bits, though what was in the pack didn't register until I went looking for drill bits. They are exactly what I needed from a long-gone Pacific NW hardware store. Thanks again, Dad!