The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4171123
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
29-Apr-23 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

Still here. This time I was planning to leave on Weds...Then Thurs, but on Weds there was a post on FB from a musician friend/student of a special event at the U - some compositions of hers, and others, and a couple pieces in which she participated with voice and/or instrument. I went because I really like this young student; the one who was in the musical last March or April. We enjoyed it. I felt called to be supportive! She was highly involved in organizing the Yellow Door 50th a few years ago; very competent - and creative!

So pots that were thrown are not trimmed. Appt. to get tires changed is on 6 May - THEN I will go home to ON...

In the meantime: Cleared last year's Canna out of the hall where it had wintered over in front of a south-facing glass door. One piece actually bloomed in December! Nice yellow treat. The whole huge bunch is now in the ground or very large pots - lest they expand and break a good (plastic) pot. NOW, it is raining! Also cleared most of the grass out of the veg bed.

Tomorrow I will plant some seeds and the wonderful sweet potato plant that wintered in the second floor South window on the rad! It looks very healthy. Just hope the bunnies do not fancy it! Went to plant what were supposed to be colombine seeds but were empty, however, the area already has columbine seedlings so I guess I threw some on last year.

There are two rabbits that come and nibble in a certain area in the late aft. I try not to disturb them.

Nice to have the hall cleared and cleaned! Also nurturing some basil seedlings; those that survive to May will need to be potted. Geraniums are being moved outdoors. Need to find a good system so R can water easily, and rarely!

Drying pots are still in DR and need to be boxed for transport to Beaver; keep putting it off as I am not sure where I will stack boxes! And the man who was going to come and get bowls has not; I would have been at Beaver this two weeks. Lesson: Do what I need to do and do not wait for someone else...

Last night R brought home two large spanakopita from a Greek resto, just because he was there and knew I like them. I warmed them in the toaster oven this am for BF! YUM! It was a great BF with no trimmings. He can bring them home anytime! There are no goodies like this near here.

But I did go, on Thurs, to the good bakery an hour south, in the country, and picked up some good pastries for treats - nothing like that near here either. Then visited with Geri, and Sarah showed up! Then went to the good butcher for some unpolluted bacon and a large bag of sweet potato fries - which I do up in the toaster oven for a nice treat. Also unpolluted.

Did income tax and mailed it. Next year I will make sure I take it to volunteer helpers near Beaver. My brain quit. My eyes quit. I quit and gave them royal what for! Only a sadist would develop a form that convoluted.

R spent a few hours - until the rain started, trying to sort out myriad boxes (40--50!) of books that had been "under cover" in the back yard for a few weeks. Procrastination = a bunch of wet books. Some went in the trash and many are in the basement in hopes of resurrecting them. A little effort could have had them in a dry place. I try to be quiet about it.