The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71328 Message #4171221
Posted By: GUEST,jm bainbridge
01-May-23 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: Origins: What is a Bantry Girl?
Subject: RE: Origins: What is a Bantry Girl?
mention of Bantry brought back happy memories of buying & selling at the monthly Bantry (Cork) market on a Friday. After the business we'd retire to a great old pub/ironmongers called An Clinic, where the seats were empty beer barrels with doormats on top for comfort. The first notes of the 'Stack of Barley' had all up dancing while customers came in for their paintpots, seed packets & kerosene!
Bantry is prone to sea flooding & I asked one regular how he'd fared during one serious flood. 'jasus I just stayed on me bar stool & it didn't reach that far up it' happy days & a great song, wherever it's from! hi Frank (of Sligo?)