The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172335 Message #4171225
Posted By: GUEST,BB
01-May-23 - 09:43 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Hold Me Bears (Dominic Behan)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Hold Me Bears (Dominic Behan)
@cnd I've a feeling the liner notes are messed up; the billiards comment is surely supposed to be about the Govan Billiard Hall Song, and some of the others might be in the wrong place too. I don't know which one would be supposed to be for Hold Me Bears, though.
@Reinhard Ah, it could well be Throgmorton rather than Throckmorton (although it seems they're actually just variant spellings of each other—Throgmorton Street is named after Nicholas Throckmorton, whose surname comes from the village Throckmorton); I'd never heard of either of them and I was just typing what it sounded like Behan was saying into Google and Throckmorton came up and sounded like it fit, so I thought it was that. A London street could also be a more likely setting than a village with a population of just 200. Also, although the text in the Wikipedia page says the LSE was there from 1972 to 2004, the caption on the picture for the page says "Throgmorton Street, outside the Stock Exchange, Summer 1955". So overall I think it's probably supposed to be about stockbroking! 'Bears' and 'bulls' are obviously then referring to bear and bull markets, and taking over is referring to... well, business takeovers, not dragging the person to a Worcestershire village as I initially thought!
Maybe this means that the Chronicle ablaze referred to is the News Chronicle, which folded into the Daily Mail in 1960?