The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212 Message #4171385
Posted By: GerryM
03-May-23 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Songs, poems, and readings from the Mudcat Worldwide Zoom Singaround 1/2 May 2023, in the order in which they were presented. Thanks to Casey and Moorley Man for the items presented before I came in. Comments and corrections always welcome.
Singing in the May Hayfield (poem) This Place (poem) The Saga of Fred and Hilda Penguins (read) Scarborough Fair Annan Water The Spotted Cow Creation Song Arise Arise (aka May Day Carol, Northill May Song, The First of May, Cambridgeshire May Carol, Bedfordshire May Day Carol, ....) Workingfolk Unite (ttto Redwing) Union Maid (ttto Redwing) Moskva (in Russian) Pussy Willows, Cattails Everybody Thanks the Driver William and Polly All Hail to Dear Mary (aka 'Tis the Month of Our Mother) How Anarchy Could Function C'est le mai joli mai (in French) One Morning in May (aka Soldier and the Lady) Would You Call it Treason Beacons at Bealtaine (poem) May Day Carol Singing Up the Sun Talkin' Nothin' Blues (read) Down Among the Heather (aka Heather Down the Moor) Rambler Gambler Who is to Blame When Spring Comes In The Red Funnel Lion (poem) Raphael and Abdulla I've had a Glass of Gin-Ginger Wine Amarillo by Morning By the Banks of the Roses Elsie Marley As I Roved Out Man Smart, Woman Smarter On the Plane Thugamar féin an samhradh linn Destroyer Benson (ttto The Sick Note; see 30/31 January 2023) Darcy Farrow The Devil and the Ploughman Bring Flowers of the Fairest (aka Bring Flowers of the Rarest) Le Chinois First of May Blues (aka Black, White, Yellow and Blues) Across the Blue Mountains (aka Good Morning, Good Morning in May) Rose of San Antone Isis The Good in Living All the Good Times are Just Begun (ttto All the Good Times are Past and Gone) Lavender's Blue Hope Glad that I Live am I (x2) Bread and Roses Come Back, Liza Medley: 1st stanza of La rosa enflorece (aka Los bilbilicos; in Ladino), 1st stanza of Tsur Mishelo (same tune, in Hebrew), A Swallow Song (same tune) A Life at Sea Rough and Rocky Eight More Miles to Louisville On the Street Where You Live One Small Star Bless This House