The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172335 Message #4172748
Posted By: cnd
21-May-23 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Hold Me Bears (Dominic Behan)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Hold Me Bears (Dominic Behan)
Sorry BB, took longer to get back to this than I meant to...
I think everything you've said in your last comment makes sense. Definitely related to stock trading and such.
Here's a stab at the missing stanza:
I had a friend who met his end, 'twas easy as a pie He thought he'd let the shares he bought ascend -- oh, to nigh But the banksy I had brokered couldn't quite be eye to eye And now he's left a beggar in Throckmorton
Some comments -- the n in "Oh, to nigh" has more of an L sound than an N but I couldn't think of anything else logical. It could be ascension instead of ascend, or perhaps something else.
I've found no evidence "banksy" has ever been used as a slang term for a banker, but it makes sense... some, at least.