The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4172914
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
23-May-23 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Good luck with that search, Patty. I wonder if building is any better opportunity-wise for affordable housing? I've read that there are big contingency funds added as the prices of materials goes up. No news on the brother's search, but I believe he has invested well over the years and probably won't have to worry about financing, making purchase a little more straightforward.

A neighbor of mine (she worked for a big bank and helped the last refinance on this house) is an "investor" - she has been buying up local houses and renting to the Section 8 community. I am not opposed to this, but I wish she did a little better background check. There is a lot more foot traffic because many of these folks don't have cars; again, not a problem - it's the number of times each week police are called to a couple of these houses that is troubling. The reason why I bought a house and got away from apartment living was to avoid this (after the divorce we spent two years in a complex that was generally pretty good, but still, weekends were a bit rowdy with fights in the parking lot and there was vandalism to vehicles pretty regularly.)

I got up early today to start mowing only to find it was raining. Hmmm. Shift in plans. I did go out with a squirt bottle to spritz some Spinosad on the herbs that seem to be munched by garden critters (after the Sluggo didn't slow them down.)