The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171871   Message #4173316
Posted By: Donuel
28-May-23 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN x4 (NO new Trmp threads)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump INDICTED (NO new Trmp threads) 2
The quote was in quotes and is firmly in the public domain, but some missed the point anyway. Even Bible quotes are rarely sourced and footnoted in conversation. Hair-brained condemnation as constant as the wind is because the troll would be embarrassed to admit why they hate. The truth would be humiliating to the troll. So let's not speak of it. The aim is to educate, not humiliate.

One reason why Trump was successful in his duping is that most intelligent people have self-doubt and over time it develops into an imposter syndrome that leaves them open to the big lies of the Troll.