The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4173542
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
31-May-23 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

I pretty much missed most of the last week. Having gotten lots done, last Monday was a strange day and I ate oddly with no recollection of WHAT! Tuesday, I was wobbly, lacking equilibrium and commuting from bed to washroom ALL day! Today(Monday) I finally feel back to my normal and managed to get a glaze firing going. Essential test of newly mixed glaze in this firing; if it is OK, tomorrow will be another firing using it - TEAl.

Nice not to be walking wobbly today!

After several years of blown fuses and having to re-start glaze firings, I finally realized it could be the water pump that puts the electric load over the limit. So far... But I must be prepared and not run ANY water after the kiln is on high! I hope!

With the outdoor heat in the TOO HOT range, my outdoor time is limited. The studio gets hot from all that wonderful solar gain of the big bow window - even with a heavy white drape and a fan blowing outward in the small west window. So I got out there and did some glazing then brought the baker's rack into the LR to do the sponge ware - so I could sit, bug-free and cool. Loaded by 12:30!

I managed to go to the Hort. Club mtng on Thurs: Dandelions - jelly, salve... Mostly from on-line presentations and a member who had made this stuff and brought samples. My Auditory Processing difficulty: throughout most of it the only words I recognized were "dandelion flowers"! They posted the links on FB so I could find them and use closed captions - which she neglected to do. The high point was a new member who is new to the community, about my age and an experienced potter. Hoping we can get together soon.

Friday's Open Mike was better than usual but I still felt wobbly and queasy and left early. Saturday at the farmer's market I was asking for herb tea suggestions, to no avail; bought 4 lavender plugs and put them in lg yogurt containers with good soil until I can plant them somewhere. Waiting with great hope for the Dragon Flies now the weather is warm enough! I find I have a very few safe minutes to pull weeds before the biting bugs find me. This is ok because my shoulders complain if I do too much!

Chiropractor has actually helped a great deal!

Sunday: went to lunch at the Trust- big community event, chance to talk with wonderful friends. Volunteers have been developing a huge garden on the back parking lot to raise food for those who need it. Mulch and soil mountains were donated. I loaned my wheel barrow - best I could do.

Guess I forgot to send this. Now it is Thurs - two glaze firings, a visit from a special friend and too much heat for much else!