The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172421   Message #4174036
Posted By: GUEST,RJM
07-Jun-23 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: Since I've stopped gigging....
Subject: RE: Since I've stopped gigging....
CORRESPONDENCE Fleetwood Folk Club
Apr 17, 2018, 3:52?PM
to me


We have a bit of a problem regarding next months gig, we are no longer in a position to be able to offer accommodation to our artists. Financially we can't afford to pay for a B&B either as we are only getting around 10 people to our guest nights so we are losing money every month as well.

There are some relatively cheap B&Bs available in Blackpool which would be a tram ride away from Fleetwood and if you would like we can book you in to one if you are still planning on coming to Fleetwood.

Moving forward we won't be able to book guests in the future that need accommodation and we understand if this changes you wanting to play here in May. We know you would have been coming from Ireland and we hope that this isn't a huge inconvenience for you.

Thanks" quote

So some facts and the truth,is i was notified approx a moNth before gig, the conditions of employment were changed without agreement, no offer was made to pay for my accomodation.Iwas travelling from Ireland