The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4174037
Posted By: Terry SoRelle
07-Jun-23 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: Lyrics: Maria Chuchena
This is a song from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. There are hundreds of different versions in practically every mexican idiom: Son Jorocho, conjunto, marichi, even cumbia.

This version if from an album by Krishnasol Jimenez, Maria Kiehr and Roberto Koch, 'Navigating Foreign Waters'. Their arrangments combine Spanish Baroque compositions with mexican traditional son. This one uses a tune for 17th Century composter, Santiago de Murcia

More information and liner notes download is at:

The song is about a fisherman who falls in love with the lovely Maria Chuchena who bathes at the mouth of the river near the sea. He calls to her to swim out to his boat so they can swim away. That's the whole story, the rest is birds, Butterflys, flowers, fragrances, a falling star and a non-sencical refrain about 'roofing your house' (go figure).
Spanish lyrics and translation follow:

Por aquí pasó volando
una linda chuparrosa
una linda chuparrosa
por aquí pasó volando,
y en su piquito llevaba
dos claveles y una rosa
que el viento le deshojaba
como blanca mariposa.

María Chuchena bótate al agua
junto a la proa de mi piragua
María Chuchena bótate al mar
a navegar y le decía:

María María
no techo tu casa
no techo la mía
no techo tu casa
no techo la mía
no techo la casa
de María García.

Lucero brillante hermoso
baja del quinto planeta
que yo pondré en tu peineta
un tulipán oloroso.

María Chuchena se fue a bañar
a orillas del río a orillas del mar
María Chuchena se estaba bañando
y el pescador la estaba mirando
y le decía

María María
no techo tu casa
no techo la mía
no techo tu casa
no techo la mía
no techo la casa
de María García.

Dime qué flor te acomoda
para írtela a cortar
azucena o amapola
o maravilla del mar
azucena o amapola
o maravilla del mar
para cuando estés tú sola
tengas con quien platicar.

María Chuchena bótate al río
junto a la proa de mi navío
María Chuchena bótate al mar
a navegar y le decía:

María María...

Ya me voy flor de sabana
perfumado amanecer
con el sol de la mañana
quisiera volverte a ver
con el sol de la mañana
quisiera volverte a ver
como rosa campirana
y no dejarte de oler.
María Chuchena se fue a bañar…

This way flew
a beautiful hummingbird,
a beautiful hummingbird
this way flew.
And it carried two carnations
and a rose in its beak,
whose leaves the wind stripped
like a white butterfly.

María Chuchena, jump into the water
by the prow of my canoe.
María Chuchena, jump into the sea
to sail away, and he told her:

María, María,
I don’t roof your house,
I don’t roof mine,
I don’t roof your house,
I don’t roof mine,
I don’t roof the house,
of María García.

Beautiful, bright star,
come down from the fifth planet,
for I will place in your comb
a fragrant tulip.

María Chuchena went to bathe
by the riverside, by the seaside.
María Chuchena was bathing,
and a fisherman looked at her,
and he told her:

María, María,
I don’t roof your house,
I don’t roof mine,
I don’t roof your house,
I don’t roof mine,
I don’t roof the house,
of María García.

Tell me what flower you like
so that I can gather it for you,
white lily or poppy
or wonder of the sea?
White lily or poppy
or wonder of the sea?
So when you are alone
you have someone to talk with.

María Chuchena, jump into the water
by the prow of my canoe.
María Chuchena, jump into the sea
to sail away, and he told her:

María, María…

I’m leaving now, flower of the plain,
fragrant dawn,
I would like to see you again
with tomorrow’s sun.
I would like to see you again
with tomorrow’s sun
like a rose from the fields,
and not stop smelling you.
María Chuchena went to bathe…

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