The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172421   Message #4174044
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
07-Jun-23 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: Since I've stopped gigging....
Subject: RE: Since I've stopped gigging....
I can see that the withdrawal of accommodation was a problem when you had flights and tickets booked. Effectively you had to go on that date or lose money. I get that. What puzzles me is why on earth did you not get on the phone with anybody in the Northwest to arrange somewhere to stay, myself included. I'll bet Dave the Gnome would have done his best for you, he has for me in the past. With all of your friends surely somebody would have helped. You had a week/month to do it. By the same token, what was wrong with the club doing the same? Surely a regular at the club could have helped, or maybe even the pub itself. I can think of a number of people who would have helped in a crisis, at least two in Fleetwood, and more in Blackpool, yet more again in Preston and so it goes. I fully agree that it was the club's responsibility in this instance, and a bit of cooperation would not have gone amiss. It's alright for me I drive and can get anywhere, and with the bus service in Fleetwood, I'm amazed you even got to Blackpool. No sleep and at the beginning of a tour. Not in the least funny.