The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4174092
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
07-Jun-23 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

Ran out of internet at Beaver so I went to the library a few times but found they now turn it off soon after they close because a neighbour complained about people sitting in vehicles using it!

Then I went to Toronto on an adventure: Thinking I would go to hear a friend at the Tranzac club on Sunday aft, then go to my friend an hour away overnight and back to the pottery supplies and home. I left for To about 9:30 and somehow it took LONG to get there but I was still in plenty of time and found a parking lot but brain was so wrecked that I had to ask a couple women for help with the paying thing. Found a decent lunch, I thought. and went to the club.

Not having been connected to the outside world, I had no knowledge of the smoke problem; it was mild enough going down that I had car windows open and did not realize it was affecting me. A I sat, I started feeling like I could hardly breathe and went outside for a few minutes. Went back in and started to feel as though I was going to stop breathing. Left in distress and a woman came out with me, found a bench for me to sit, went back in and came out with dampened paper towels for the back of my neck. I went back inside feeling better and moistened a napkin and put it over nose and mouth - it helped greatly and I got through the rest of the event.

Left as soon as it was over, thanking the nice younger woman but not saying good by to my musician friend because I wanted to get to my friend for supper... Took forever to get out of To; supper was at 7. In the morning, I had to sit on edge of bed uptil the room stopped spinning - that's a first. But with very good directions from my friend - she is so pragmatic! - It was less than an hour to pottery supplier where we agreed the discrepancy in new bucket of glaze was a need for better sieve which had been rendered inoperable by my foolishness. One of the staff finally got it - just as I was saying -OK, enough of that! I managed to get lost getting home ----HOW many times have I done that route???? Forgot I had the book of maps in the car.... Stopped for help and a local lumber yard staff printed out directions. I got home!

Used the A/c all the way due to the smoke which was now pretty obvious and as soon as I got in the house I turned the air cleaner on full tilt. Picked up a 12" subway which sufficed for lunch and supper - LOTS of lettuce! Then I holed up with a book, and then another one until Weds am when I loaded the car and left, assured by friend Hannah that it was better in Chateauguay. Very light rain is now helping lower the smoke. Tues R reported not being able to see Mount Royal - that is the large hill in the middle of the city!

I remembered to put netting over the strawberry bed so I might have some when I go back - next week I hope. Did not net the blueberries but they are still a ways off I think. I hope this rain reaches Beaver as there has been none for a while.