The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171871   Message #4174144
Posted By: Backwoodsman
08-Jun-23 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN x4 (NO new Trmp threads)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump INDICTED (NO new Trmp threads) 2
”It is conceivable that Trump…should he somehow win.”

When I hear Trump supporters, as I have on a significant number of occasions recently, coming out with stuff like, “He has been put on Earth by God to be the President in perpetuity”, and declaring that Trump is actually the President right now and, along with a group of cohorts, is running the US under cover from Mar-a-Lago, whilst President Biden has been executed and actors are ‘playing’ him and all of the Senators and Representatives in Congress, I’m persuaded that there’s every chance of Trump’s re-election in 2024. It’s pretty clear that a significant number of American voters are probably misinformed and brainwashed enough to bring it about, aided and abetted by the archaic election system.

Be afraid, be very afraid.