The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170202   Message #4174366
Posted By: and e
11-Jun-23 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: Origins: How old is The Little Fly ?
Subject: RE: Origins: How old is The Little Fly ?

A fly flew into a grocery store,
He flew through the transom over the door.
He shit on the ham and pissed on the cheese,
And did many things just such as these.
When the groceryman saw what the fly had done,
He went for his trusty gatling gun.
The clerks got brooms and they were sore,
They chased that fly all over the store.
But he, to show his contempt of them,
He went and did it all over again.
He pissed on the ham and shit on the cheese,
Then wiped his ass on Fleishman's yeast.
Up the lady clerk's leg he took a stroll,
He strolled right into the lady's hole.
The lady, she laughed, and rolled on the floor,
And she cried, Oh tickle, Oh tickle me more.
Then she crossed her legs and took a deep breath,
And the poor little fly was smothered to death

Pg 28, Poems, Ballads and Parodies. Benares, Paris, 1923.