The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157463   Message #4174597
Posted By: GUEST,henryp
15-Jun-23 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: ADD Poem: The Magna Carta/Charter (Marriott Edgar)
Subject: RE: ADD Poem: The Magna Carta/Charter (Marriott Edgar)
15 June On this day in 1215, King John put the royal seal on Magna Carta at Runnymede, near Windsor.

At the end of the war in 1217, it formed part of the peace treaty agreed at Lambeth, where the document acquired the name "Magna Carta", to distinguish it from the smaller Charter of the Forest which was issued at the same time. In 1225, some minor adjustments were made, and the charter was issued in its definitive form. Wikipedia

Magna Carta was a progressive rock/folk rock group, originally formed in London in April 1969. Their first concert was on 10 May 1969, by Chris Simpson (guitar, vocals), Lyell Tranter (guitar, vocals), and Glen Stuart (vocals).

'Magna Carta' (1969) was released as their debut album by Mercury, before their 1970 album, Seasons, reached number 55 on the UK Albums Chart. The album was produced by Gus Dudgeon, arranged by later successful producer Tony Visconti, and the session musicians included organist Rick Wakeman, drummer Barry Morgan, jazz double bassist Spike Heatley and others.

In 1971, Magna Carta performed at the Royal Albert Hall with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Davey Johnstone joined the line-up, recording Songs From Wasties Orchard (1971) and In Concert (1972) with the band, before leaving to work with Elton John. Wikipedia