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Thread #171879   Message #4174940
Posted By: Backwoodsman
19-Jun-23 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 2
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 2
One of the reasons Johnson won in 2019 is that Corbyn was so clueless about how to defeat the Tory lies - both the lies against himself personally, and the lies about Brexit, or the lies about the last Labour government ‘bankrupting the country’, or any of the other lies that were put about by the Right-wing Tory press. He lacked the ringcraft of a great fighter in an election, and was an easy target. And it’s worth bearing in mind that a man of principle doth not automatically a good Prime Minister make.

And, TBH, I doubt if the average voter-in-the-street had the slightest interest in the internal battles of the LP, they were led by the nose by Johnson’s ‘Get Brexit Done’ horse-puckey.

It was the growth of ‘Presidential Election-style’ personality-politics that was a major factor in Corbyn’s and Labour’s downfall - neither he, nor the party, had answers to the shameless, shameful propaganda of the multi-millionaire, Tory-supporting press-barons. And I won’t be surprised if the Tories, despite the pitiful performance of successive Tory governments over the past thirteen years, lie their way in to power again in 2024.