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Thread #171871   Message #4174961
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-Jun-23 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN x4 (NO new Trmp threads)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN (NO new Trmp threads) 2
Mary Trump diagnoses the president from 2020. Here's a little bit of the article:
And Mary is not shy about diagnosing her uncle. Too Much and Never Enough is full of explanations for Trump’s behavior: abandonment issues, narcissism (a common theme in these psychological explorations), stunted emotional growth, caffeine dependence. All of these have combined to form a 74-year-old toddler who just happens to be the most powerful person on the planet.

Of course, we don’t need an expert to tell us that Donald Trump is a badly damaged individual. So it helps that Too Much and Never Enough also functions as a story of revenge, not just on the president but on his entire family.

Based on conversations with Trump’s siblings, Mary reveals that the president’s early life was defined by neglect and psychological abuse. The kids were raised by an absent and often ill mother and a megalomaniacal, cruel father. Although the Trump children each suffered in unique ways, they had many afflictions in common: insecurity, difficulty in relating to others, an all-consuming fixation on money, which is confused with worth.

The women of the house—the matriarch Mary Trump and her daughters, Maryanne and Elizabeth—were confined to gender roles that were rigid even for the 1950s. The three boys—Fred Jr., Donald, and Robert—had to fend for themselves in an environment not unlike The Lord of the Flies. Enamored with the prosperity gospel, Fred Trump Sr. drilled a ruthless code into his sons: Do whatever it takes to get ahead. Emotion of any kind was weakness. Lying, cheating, stealing—all encouraged.