The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171871   Message #4174965
Posted By: Steve Shaw
19-Jun-23 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN x4 (NO new Trmp threads)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN (NO new Trmp threads) 2
Well, I believe every word she says, but the term "diagnosis" has a fairly strict meaning within medical circles. And I'm not quite sure that this is the right context for that word. Tell me I'm wrong, but I suspect that there was no formal medical investigation carried out by her before she reached this, er, diagnosis. She was certainly more upclose and personal with him than you'd find in the average doctor-patient relationship and she had a dog or two in the fight to boot. Aside from that, I have no reason to doubt her conclusion.