The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172484   Message #4175030
Posted By: cujimmy
20-Jun-23 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: Whitby Folk Festival 19-25 August 2023
Subject: RE: Whitby Folk Festival 2023
I was at Whitby over the weekend for the Moore and Coast festival. People were singing in the Waiting Room at the Railway Station, a lovely well run Pub, excellent real ales but card only payments, the owner very friendly and folk music friendly too. I was in the Black Horse on Saturday, singing in the back room was excellent, and cash or card can be used paying for drinks. There was an Irish session in the Endeavour, and I believe the Golden Lion has become Folk Friendly, I was in there a few weeks ago.

Anyway Im looking forward to coming along once again this year - Ive been over 20 times over the years and never tire of learning and sharing new songs and making new friends.