The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4175052
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Jun-23 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Internet testing day two: the Internet service itself was off for a while today. When it came back the VPN wasn't connecting to Mudcat properly, partly because Mudcat is rarely a secure site and because I need to look into the IP vs Cookie tracking. A Spectrum tech is coming out today to check the system. Oy. The last guy was very new to the job and so slow it was agonizing (plus I had to keep the dogs in the hall bathroom because he kept going back and forth from the house to the yard.)

This morning I harvested a few of the garlic bulbs from the new location in the garden next to the kitchen door; I left others in the ground because over the course of the year they'll grow from the single ping pong ball-sized bulbs into the many-cloved version of elephant garlic. I'm still digging garlic sprouts from the old location around the heat pump to put into this part of the garden. The oregano and basil also need harvesting and drying (the house will smell like an Italian restaurant for the next week at least.)

Recycling and Goodwill donations need to be dropped off this week. Dog food needs ordering or (if they no longer have free delivery over $50) pick up at the store. A friend has a case of canning jars for me, but that is part of a cycle, it isn't re-cluttering, considering how many jars I give away (or loan to the neighbors).