The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4175053
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
20-Jun-23 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

It has been a rough couple weeks: I had a spell of vertigo at Marg's and then it continued, off and on, until a few days ago when I remembered that Apple cider Vinegar in my water could help. It has and today I was able to get up feeling good at 8am and washed the not correct glaze off the unfired bowls. Thinking after I got started that it might have been better to just throw new bowls but they are done and drying on this beautiful dry-so-far day.

Other days I was able to get an hour or two of work done in the late afternoon/early eve. So I still have time to get the new stuff dry to be bisqued and then two glaze firings OR I Could do a glaze firing tomorrow while things are still drying and after I re-sieve the essential glaze. YES!

Yesterday I decided that going outside is still not healthy so bought an N95 mask to wear outdoors with the thought that my respiratory system does not like bad air. The clerk as the store said the smoke was gone; I walked outside and could smell it and commented to an older man "This does not smell the way air in North Hastings is supposed to!" He agreed. Most people may not notice but, for me, getting home to Beaver is largely about the air - getting out of the car and deep breaths of fresh clean air! There is none for this last couple weeks so I have stayed indoors with the air cleaner except for shopping. RAIN!!! is needed.

The strawberries are progressing - a number of green berries.There was some good rain here before I got back. Hope for a good bunch to take to QC next week. R has a big presentation to the City next Weds and I am asked to attend. To wear???? Only one dress that fits and bro hates it. Tough! Beats shorts and a T!

Might be some rhubarb - it does not seem to be happy this year.