The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4175496
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
25-Jun-23 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Today for the museum tour I dressed in a vintage pair of dark Capri pants and knit top, and while choosing shoes I realized that I'm less likely to wear sandals now than I am to wear comfortable walking shoes (keeping in mind a description of someone falling recently, as I have also done.) My socks for walking shoes are mostly ankle length or they're short athletic socks with a brand name around the top. I stopped by DSW on my way home for some short socks that show a neutral band at the ankle.

In the closet I pulled out seasonal beach shoes and tossed several into the trash. A surgical boot also got the boot. They are too old to donate. A pair of shower flip flops are next to the back door and today I put up the portable shower head on the patio cover support by the door. I use that shower during the summer once the tap water has warmed.

Also this evening in the closet I culled the handbags that are too small to hold both the phone and wallet. The bags I use now are "office casual," keeping only a couple of small black bags for fancy events. I also weeded out some of the shoulder packs and fanny packs and will either put them on Freecycle or take them to Goodwill. The handbags I pick up to sell need to get listed, though one I have up right now hasn't excited much interest. (Finding a clearance price and then selling for half of the original price often gives a nice profit, but the one up right now may be in the wrong season. I don't pay much attention to that but perhaps shoppers do.) I'm thinking after these bags are gone I won't keep looking for more to sell.

This morning I woke around 4:45 when there was barking and a thud on the roof. The dogs cornered a raccoon and he/she spent an hour or so up there. I shone a light and aimed a hose at it to see if it could move - yes - and I covered the dog door to keep them in and left the kitchen hood fan running to scare it away (at one point it seemed to consider ripping the hood cover off the roof and heading down that way). Early to bed tonight.