The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4175727
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
28-Jun-23 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

Arrived back before 6 pm to find R at home - had been all day as he had lacked the go-power to ...go to work! We went out for a decent meal and come home again. Shortly after which I went to bed - opened the window and there was a slightly coolish breeze.

The trip included a stop for Covid shot #5, a fill up with gas and returning books to library. Then an hour+ visit with a friend at his hilltop home, conversation, a lovely breeze, a busy chipmunk or 2 or 3, and resident bluejays. Traffic on the 401 was light but the squall warning was real and I would have pulled off if I had thought that safer. Just as I approached an En Route and had started to exit, the sky totally cleared!

It has rained enough here to keep outside plants alive. R has left the soaker hose dribbling on the Veggies. I DID remember to pick the few ripe strawberries at Beaver; did not get to netting the blueberries. If we do not get back soon, I will encourage neighbour Sue to check the strawberries as she goes by. The ones I picked are delicious!

I have mild hope, perhaps vain, that R will be able to go to Beaver for this long weekend. A friend is playing there on Friday night. He seemed a bit disappointed that I felt called to be supportive of R's BIG presentation to the City on Thurs rather than ... Today R is meeting with a presentation coach. He has only 10 minutes to get his huge message across to the bureaucrats. They already had AI shorten it! But AI left out some important aspects. 10 min? and 10 min for questions? ...!

So, now to find a decent outfit - after I recover a bit more. Still heavy weather, dark with mist or rain periodically. ---IT"S pouring out there! I ain't goin' nowhere for a while.

Thinking of Charmion's success with her home; she has accomplished so much! Marvellous! ...And I come back to bags and boxes of books - lucky I could get in the door! But R did do a laundry (can work the machine!!). I will fold and distribute ...soon.

Charmion's trip to Maryland will be beautiful for the most part. I lived much of my life in that part of PA that touches on MD.