The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4175868
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
30-Jun-23 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
I've spent the last couple of weeks of June weaning myself off of some of the snacks that have crept into my diet. July is for repositioning - for losing the five pounds that came with the snacks. I agree with Dorothy - vinegar is great for a number of things that ail you (also helpful if you have restless legs or heartburn.) Or instead of straight vinegar, eat a pickle.

The fruit I planned to use to improve the diet has been a disaster - two boxes of peaches and a bag of pears from Costco are all rubber imitations of fruit. The peaches smell ripe but are hard and rubbery, and the pears aren't ripening, they just go from hard to rotten. Good thing I can just complain with the receipt and they'll refund it, I don't have to carry the fruit back to the store; chances are they've had lots of complaints. I'll cook the peaches and am cutting up hard pears for the dogs as their mealtime vegetable.

The high forecast here is only 99o today. A friend needs help connecting his computer to the world (dead ethernet port, it'll be replaced with a small and inexpensive USB to Ethernet adapter), so once Amazon delivers the part I'll head over, and have other errands to run near his house. The caterpillars (at the cat sitting house) are now enclosed in a butterfly house thing to keep them from being eaten by birds or parasitized by wasps, but she needs organic parsley because they're eating hers down to the roots (her schedule isn't letting her visit the organic farm stand). And another friend has canning jars (it's time to start processing tomatoes soon.)

Dog hair has reached explosive proportions, even as I declutter handsful per pass with the furminator. Decluttering of more solid items includes winnowing down the eBay listings - things that haven't attracted interest in a couple of months are unwrapped and go into the Goodwill bin.