The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172525   Message #4176175
Posted By: GUEST,RJM
06-Jul-23 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: MBE and FolkMusic
Subject: RE: MBE and FolkMusic
here is a quote from the Guardian obituary of MacColl
"The champion of “the people’s music” was invariably hostile to the music that people actually loved. He viewed pop as a capitalist plot
end of quote.

    Ewan   MacColl, Leon Rosselson Peggy Seeger AND OTHERS have all written contemporary folk songs that have crIticised the status quo this created an impression for me that a sizeable proprtion of the repertoire was anti establishment

Martin Carthy sang a song which was originally written by Leon Rosselson in response to the Aberfan Disaster of 1966 in which a coalmine's spoil heap collapsed on to a school in wales