The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4176220
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
06-Jul-23 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

I got sick! After delivering the air cleaner and having lunch with Geri at local restaurant in southern QC... THE local, in fact, as there is not much down her way.

I don't know when it started but I must have "caught" it as it seems similar to Charmion's - unlike anything I have had. Just stayed in bed for two days, with minimal forays for minimal food. Feeling as though the end were near...

Heat all but did me in; the A/C in BR is inadequate. Tues I felt rather OK with no energy. Weds less OK but moderately functional - that means SOME dishes got washed! Spent most of the day trying to find someone to mow the knee high grass before we are fined!

Chateauguay Chit Chat (FB) is a mixture of helpful folks and clowns. Although I was preferring to give my money to a person, in the end, I have chosen to SOS a local company suggested by the woman who does their PR. There were no rude remarks on line re this suggestion and the nice man phoned this am saying he would get back to me in a day or so! HOPE!

THEN, feeling some better and more cheerful, I spent a fortune on new filters for the two air cleaners here; next week I will spend half a fortune on the same for the cleaner at Beaver. And while I was spending, I ordered 24 loaves of bread - enough to make the shipping charge not hurt as much. But careful that I would really like the choices this time! I think there is room in the freezer now - but it would be a good idea to empty it and start fresh!?? I hope I will feel up to this "good idea"! And a new supply of the Pau d'Arco.

The "yard man" said they charge "by the minute for residential work"! He could not, however, tell me the minute rate! I really do not care! I cannot do it! Oh! R? Maybe in his sleep!

R did follow my directive, last night, to open the attic door - had to climb an iffy ladder to do so - with me hanging on to it! This 1902 house has a hot air outlet in attic, a mini chimney so the hot air can go up and out. I believe this is a Very Good Thing! He argues with me every year... It will stay open until I suggest - perhaps in late September - that it might be better to keep the warm air in the house! Maybe by then we will have a safer ladder... It was cool enough last night - at 11pm - to open the window and turn of the noisy a/c! Nice breeze even!! Closed up at 8 am.

Right now, the only thing I "know for sure" is that the world is too hot. And it is scary.

I did go to the produce store first thing this AM - back by 8:10 to beat the heat - and stocked up with veggies. A good accomplishment. May go to reg supermarket as it starts to cool in the eve.

Laundry is up to date, dishes mostly there, floors in sore need of cleaning... And I need the pottery customer to come and pick what he/she wants. Hoping to go back to Beaver by end of next week - after all the orders have arrived! Did not net the blueberries but neighbour has been enjoying the delicious strawberries.

Now, I look around and wonder what else can I manage - without moving much! I did realize this am that a cup of green tea was helping me deal better with the climate.