The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4176692
Posted By: Jon Freeman
13-Jul-23 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Thanks, SRS. I’m reasonably comfortable.

I’m not feeling productive but am finding little things to keep me occupied some of the time. I have put kodi on mum’s laptop and installed the plugin for the hdhomerun which I think will remain on the network. This will give her live tv and I thin the ability to record. I’ve also set up Windows Workgroup and nfs file sharing on it. This isn’t really needed at the moment but both services are at least ready to go if anyone did want to map a network drive to another computer here.

I’ve also set the shares up on the Windows partition on my laptop. And added the Android and Linux virtual environments. I might have a play with them sometime. One thing I don’t think I’ve noticed before is that the Windows (at least 11) Terminal has a built in ssh client. That’s handy for Linux users where a lot of admin on remote computers is performed over ssh. I used it today when setting up the Windows Workgroup as I needed to check the Samba server settings on the living room PC.

Back to mum’s laptop. I’m wondering if one of the carers can do the hand over for me. Me doing it would be awkward for me as I’d have to do in bed and mum would have difficulty getting in a suitable position with her wheelchair. There is one of my carers* I’ll ask when I see her next. I just want mum taken through startup/log on, see a couple of apps opened and closed, and then laptop shut down. I’ve printed some instructions for mum and this but I think she needs to be shown too.

Well I say my carers but (and this might my make my request easier) they are now both mum’s and my carers (dad’s carers are a different company). Someone from Social services called a few days ago and spoke to dad, mum and I. She felt that mum needed a bit of practical help and arranged that my care company give mum ½ hr twice a day while they are visiting me. Mum’s a bit unsure of this at the moment but I hope she will come round to finding it useful and I do think she could do with some extra help.