The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36962   Message #4176863
Posted By: Lighter
14-Jul-23 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: Revisionist opinion on the Kingston Trio
Subject: RE: Revisionist opinion on the Kingston Trio
And you never had to read an academic disquisition or hear a lecture before you put the Kingston Trio on the turntable or Peter Paul and Mary or A.L. Lloyd on the turntable.

Fact: once the novelty wore off, the college crowd that was folk's core audience moved on to rock, etc., which they found more entertaining.

Bonus: a big reason why so many kids are turned off by poetry is they've never learned to read it properly or encouraged to use their imaginations in unconventional ways.

I was once in a bookstore with a dad and his seven- or eight-year-old-son. The son wanted more than one kid's book, and dad said sternly, "If you read too much, you'll have to wear glasses for the rest of your life." The kid looked convinced.

I was told something similar, though not as directly. And damned if I don't wear glasses now!

Anyway, certain teachers aren't the sole culprits.