The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4176975
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
15-Jul-23 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

But only a few more days! I ordered, received and R installed new filters for both the air cleaners here. Also ordered and received replenishment of the Pau d'Arco. I know I need more every four hours when my throat starts to feel iffy. Ordered and received 24 loaves of bread!! Yep, Fed up with trying to get to a store that has the sorts we like... I have half in the freezer here and will take the other half to Beaver where there is room for them!

AND the lawn care team showed up Friday and did a number on the yard! Mohawks from a few minutes away, they listened to what I wanted and did a great job, leaving me patches of yarrow and made the place look very middle class in spite of me. Some nifty machine cleared the nice stone walk in the back yard totally! and the concrete demarcation in the parking area as well. Hadn't seen them for a while. The local rabbit was enjoying some nibbling this morning and there seem to be more birds than usual - able to get at the under-story?

I can get to the veg bed more easily. The soaker hose which has been at a slow drip since early June has kept everything healthy and the cherry tomatoes are producing, also the couple wax bean plants. Squash flowers are beautiful and hopeful! Lots of buckwheat volunteers; I wonder what I shall do when it is ripe - to harvest and figure out a way to shell it???

Such a relief to have that done. I did not want R to be fined by the City.

This malaise is finally almost gone. Each day a bit better; today I actually packed up the remaining pottery and mopped the K floor, went out and pulled some weeds and admired the garden. Like have a haircut when it had gotten quite out of hand!

The gut is not 100% yet. And I seem to have a new version of cough which MAY be caused by certain foods; now trying to solve that mystery. Some of the coughing fits border on frightening as I gag ... Well what next!

Dishes are done, laundry is done. Yard is done and I can go home - Maybe Monday or Tuesday.