The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4177102
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Jul-23 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Canning is a messy process and there are lots of pots and bowls in play. I was considering smaller pans for processing a smaller batch, but it is the height of the pan that is important (you need 1-2" of water over the top of the jars being processed.) I managed to use a smaller stockpot (the one that comes with the colander for easy blanching) and washed and put away several others. Next comes the steam juicer (which reminds me that I probably completely missed picking grapes again this year - another thing I run through the juicer). I'll make sauce because this system allows the easy removal of skin and seeds in one move, after the juice is drained off. Still, lots of tools and bowls and pans to wash when it's over. (When I do a single jar at a time I use the asparagus steamer, but tomatoes process for 40 minutes per pint, meaning you have to keep an eye on that pot and keep topping it off.) Canning is a gift to my future self. It's such a pleasure in mid-winter to open a jar of the sauce from the summer before.

Zoom meeting today, I may not make it, I have things to do in the garden that can't wait till later when everything is wilted. Gardening takes precedence over docenting.

The kitchen table is stacked with papers needing managing, filing, or shredding. Something to do after it is too hot to work outside. I put two bottles of water in a cooler on the porch and every morning I top it off with fresh ice and new bottles if they were taken. In the past a couple of regular delivery folks have stopped to get water even when they didn't have deliveries here, because they know about that cooler, and that is just fine (they've told me about it later when we meet on the porch). The mail carrier has a cooler in his truck, but needs to keep restocking. It's a brutal time of year to work outside and the Texas Lege just approved removing required water breaks for outdoor workers. Makes no sense at all.