The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4177268
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Jul-23 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Yesterday only short posts were going through - I wasn't able to share a remark about the garden and the freezer - I'm using a lot of the garden stuff and being careful to draw down freezer contents that went in before I started watching sodium. I'm pacing myself with a few processed foods and I won't be buying as many things like tortillas; the few I use I can make myself and be sure they're low salt.

This morning I cleared the counters and scrubbed Formica and backsplashes on the stove side of the kitchen, to start a cleanup that is overdue. I'll clear an obstacle in the back hall later - since no family members are interested in the filing cabinet I could put it on one of the free sites, but then I have to wait for someone to approve the post and it will be faster to take it to Goodwill. In another declutter move, one of my magazine subscriptions expired and I'm going to call in and ask to take advantage of one of the "digital only" offers. I never read the paper version, but it has come to the house every week.

This weekend we have a "weak cold front" coming through, meaning it will lower the temperatures by about ten degrees during the day. Then back up again. Ugg.