The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167430   Message #4177552
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
23-Jul-23 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: Maritime work song in general
Subject: RE: Maritime work song in general
“As I said before, we were having tea; in fact, strictly speaking, we had had tea, the lively rattle of the cups had ceased, the crew had melted from singing into sleep, we were lying back on our divans dreaming over Latakia, and silence reigned–– when suddenly the distant plash of oars, and the strain of an Arab boat-song broke lengthening on our ears. The reis, raising himself on one arm, and shaking back his capote from his head, listened; then murmuring to himself, "Merkeb Ingleez" (English boat,) lay down. again to sleep.”
[Another Trip to the East, Or, a Winter's Tour in Egypt and the Holy Land, 1854]

“...trunks, boxes and bales of goods strewed the decks. Men running, working, swearing, shouting; ropes creaking; sailors singing in measure as they hoisted goods from the hold and let them down, with a swing of the derrick and a turn of the windlass,...”
[Vara Or, The Child of Adoption, Hornblower, 1854]