The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167430   Message #4177904
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
28-Jul-23 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: Maritime work song in general
Subject: RE: Maritime work song in general
“As morning dawned, I was awakened by the shrill sound of the boatswain's whistle merrily piping all hands to heave up anchor. Hastening upon deck, I found the men tumbling up the hatchways in high spirits, yet orderly, and with the quiet discipline observed on board a man-of-war. A portion of the crew manned the windlass and hove short, while others loosed the sails and stretched the halyards across the deck. This accomplished, Harry came upon deck and issued the order to heave up.' The windlass flew swiftly round to an animated song from the whole crew, and soon the anchor was sighted and fished, the jib was run up and the schooner's head fell rapidly off from the wind, the fore, main, and both topsails were mastheaded, and we began to hear the water rippling under our stern.”
[Saunders*, The Privateer, Ballou's Dollar Monthly Magazine, vol.III, no.1, January 1856]
*Frederick W. Saunders? (more follows.)