The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5218   Message #4177917
Posted By: and e
28-Jul-23 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Today Is Monday
Subject: RE: Origins: Today Is Monday
Rugby Days of the Week Song

“Mee me-me-me-me-me meee!

“Today is Monday! (echo: Today is Monday!)
“Monday’s a scoping day! (Monday’s a scoping day!)
“How’s your brother? (All right!)
“How’s your father? (Up tight!)
“How’s your lover? (Out of sight!)
“When’s the last time? (Last night!)
“When’s the next time? (Tonight!)
“Is everybody happy? (You bet your ass we are!)
“Doo do-do-doo do-do, doo do-do-doo do-do!

“Today is Tuesday! (Today is Tuesday!)
“Tuesday’s a feely day! (Tuesday’s a feely day!)
“Monday’s a scoping day! (Monday’s a scoping day!)
“How’s your brother? (All right!)
“How’s your father? (Up tight!)
“How’s your lover? (Out of sight!)
“When’s the last time? (Last night!)
“When’s the next time? (Tonight!)
“Is everybody happy? (You bet your ass we are!)
“Doo do-do-doo do-do, doo do-do-doo do-do!

“Today is Wednesday! (Today is Wednesday!)
“Wednesday’s a practice day! (Wednesday’s a practice day!)
“Tuesday’s a feely day! (Tuesday’s a feely day!)
“Monday’s a scoping day! (Monday’s a scoping day!)
“How’s your brother? (All right!)
“How’s your father? (Up tight!)
“How’s your lover? (Out of sight!)
“When’s the last time? (Last night!)
“When’s the next time? (Tonight!)
“Is everybody happy? (You bet your ass we are!)
“Doo do-do-doo do-do, doo do-do-doo do-do!

“Today is Thursday! (Today is Thursday!)
“Thursday’s a drinking day! (Thursday’s a drinking day!)
“Wednesday’s a practice day! (Wednesday’s a practice day!)
“Tuesday’s a feely day! (Tuesday’s a feely day!)
“Monday’s a scoping day! (Monday’s a scoping day!)
“How’s your brother? (All right!)
“How’s your father? (Up tight!)
“How’s your lover? (Out of sight!)
“When’s the last time? (Last night!)
“When’s the next time? (Tonight!)
“Is everybody happy? (You bet your ass we are!)
“Doo do-do-doo do-do, doo do-do-doo do-do!

“Today is Friday! (Today is Friday!)
“Friday’s a fucking day! (Friday’s a fucking day!)
“Thursday’s a drinking day! (Thursday’s a drinking day!)
“Wednesday’s a practice day! (Wednesday’s a practice day!)
“Tuesday’s a feely day! (Tuesday’s a feely day!)
“Monday’s a scoping day! (Monday’s a scoping day!)
“How’s your brother? (All right!)
“How’s your father? (Up tight!)
“How’s your lover? (Out of sight!)
“When’s the last time? (Last night!)
“When’s the next time? (Tonight!)
“Is everybody happy? (You bet your ass we are!)
“Doo do-do-doo do-do, doo do-do-doo do-do!

“Today is Saturday! (Today is Saturday!)
“Friday’s a fucking day! (Friday’s a fucking day!)
“Thursday’s a drinking day! (Thursday’s a drinking day!)
“Wednesday’s a practice day! (Wednesday’s a practice day!)
“Tuesday’s a feely day! (Tuesday’s a feely day!)
“Monday’s a scoping day! (Monday’s a scoping day!)
“How’s your brother? (All right!)
“How’s your father? (Up tight!)
“How’s your lover? (Out of sight!)
“When’s the last time? (Last night!)
“When’s the next time? (Tonight!)
“Is everybody happy? (You bet your ass we are!)
“Doo do-do-doo do-do, doo do-do-doo do-do!

“Today is Sunday! (Today is Sunday!)
“Sunday’s the Lord’s day.”

My informant for this song is on the USC Women’s Rugby team and has been a member of this team for the past three years. According to my informant, this song is an integral part of rugby culture since there is not a team that exists that does not know this song (or at least in one version of this song). She tells me that the song is always the first song sung at the end of a rugby game, no matter what team you are on—whether that be a national team or a club team—because it serves as a reminder that no matter what happens during the rough, dirty, grueling game, the teams are all united by one thing: rugby. And to my informant, the song really helps the players leave any hard feelings or bitter thoughts on the field, lest anyone try and take things personally and pick fights with other members of the opposing team. The songs that rugby teams sing (there are many more songs aside from this one) help to foster team spirit despite wins or losses. She says that singing together helps the team feel more like a family than just any regular sports team.

The members of the women’s rugby team learn this song after their first rugby game during their rookie year on the team—the newer members observe the older members of the team in order to learn the words of the song. The repetition of each line of the song is for this purpose: to educate the younger members, to give them members and roles to follow. Then, when they later become veterans themselves, it is then their turn to lead the song. The adjectives used for each day of the week—the giving a specific meaning to everyday of the week—is important too because it emphasizes the values of the rugby teams. In this version of the song, the adjectives get progressively more intimate, ranging from simply “scoping” to “fucking” with a break in the middle for a practice (you cannot play rugby without practicing!). Being that this is the women’s team, it makes sense that the adjective progress in this order: first they set aside Monday to scope out potential male targets, and as the week goes on, they hope to have intercourse with that target. It is a rather sexualized song, but in the context of a single-gendered, collegiate sports team, the sexual nature of the song makes sense.

Posted 14 May 2013 to USC Digital Folklore Archives, by Kelly Covey.

See here: