The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56732 Message #4178183
Posted By: GUEST,Nicola Carter
01-Aug-23 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Subject: RE: Mudcat Poetry Corner
This was read out at last night's Singaround, and various people asked for copies of it ....
Carry my Song (from The Summer Land Cycle)
Carry my song my daughters When I am gone to dust and memory, my spirit flying free above the salt sea swell.
Carry my song my daughters. Carry my song to the Summer Land. Hear it in the cry of the gulls, In the sigh of the wind in the grass. My hopes, my fears, My regrets, my love. All that I was and all that I might have been. Waves lapping on the shores of memory.
Carry my song my daughters. Carry my song to the edge of time; To the liminal spaces to meet our mothers who went before. Weaving harmonies in a fractal dance. Spinning glittering light and darkest shade.
Carry my song my daughters. Carry my song in acts of kindness, In acts of defiance, speaking truth to power. Carry my song for justice and the healing of the earth.
Carry my song and make it yours.
Written 29 July 2023. It was inspired by a lovely filk based on Fiddlers Green that Cecelia sang at the filk bytes song circle on the same day. In fact I wrote it while the song circle was going on.