The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4178631
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
07-Aug-23 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Getting your dad's room set up is an excellent start, Jon, and virtual decluttering is as satisfying as the physical removal of too much stuff. I'm getting set to do a full backup on a new external HDD and then will install Win11. It's not my preference but I keep stumbling over it, though I will do some reading first and figure out what days will be best for reinstalling all of my software. And if there are programs that will misbehave with the new OS. An upgrade like this can tie up a lot of time so I may have to use the little laptop in the kitchen until everything is in place in the desktop.

The tractor sprinkler is making a slow pass along the back of the house and I'll put down a soaker hose about 18" away from the back wall to run more often; indoors the cracks showing on the back wall are increasing again as the dry weather shifts the foundation. This is watering despite a slight chance of rain today, but rain in this high heat means gawdawful humidity and instant evaporation. It'll feel like a wet sauna without any of the benefits we'd get from a good soaking rain.

I'm continuing my contact list updates today with the neighbors on both sides and across the street. I'll print out my list for them in case they don't see me for a while or something happens and they need to contact family. It would help to have that for them also. I should bake some muffins to take across the street, I haven't seen her in ages. With COPD she rarely ventures outside.