The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212 Message #4178702
Posted By: GerryM
08-Aug-23 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Songs, poems, recitations, and stories from the Mudcat Worldwide Zoom singaround of 7/8 August 2023, in the order in which they were presented. Thanks to Moorley Man and Casey for the data. Corrections and comments always welcome.
Garden Song Temple Cloud (poem) May You Never The Bard (recited) Cliches Streets of Laredo The Leaving of Liverpool Aiken Drum Take It To The Limit Compère Guilleri ("Fellow Guilleri", in French) The Very Model of a Russian Major General (ttto Major General's Song) (Story/Anecdote re Fred Park) Somewhere to Begin Carnivale (poem) The L & N Don't Stop Here Any More The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry After You, Who? Auckland to the Bluff Lazy Bones Randy Dandy-O Cockney Alphabet (poem) London Transport Prayer (poem) Disobedience (aka James James Morrison Morrison) Serving Girl's Holiday The Lady Mary Sails I Come and Stand at Every Door Rolling Home Brigg Fair False Alarm (poem) The Press (poem) I'm A Silly Polysyllabist Beware of the Beautiful Stranger The Minstrel I am Stretched on Your Grave Freight Train Here is My Home The Lichtbob's Lassie Rolling Home (to Merry England) Brian O'Lynn (aka Brian O'Lynne, Briney Ole Lynn) Enola Gay (Utah Phillips) Hiroshima Memorial Candlelight Vigil (poem) The Age of Uranium (ttto The Age of Aquarius) The Little Girl of Hiroshima (aka I Come and Stand at Every Door; recited) Enola Gay (Andrew McCluskey) Down by the Embarras Summertime The Impossible Dream Keep Hauling Yellow Bird Damnyankee Lad (or, Damn Yankee Lad) Every Stranger Might Well Become Your Friend (poem) Why Not Say Hello Before We Say Goodbye Precious Years Back Home In Derry Blue Moon Cearcall a' Chuain ("The Ocean's Circle", in Scots Gaelic) Bridge Over Troubled Water Blue Mountain Dreams Deferred Crossing the Water