The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4179257
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
15-Aug-23 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

High of 98! ARGHHHH! Thankful we are not getting that - and no longer getting even up to 80! Cool nights and days are more like September. A warning to get prepared. The next time I leave here, it will be in cold weather mode - just in case.

Neighbour/LArry is buying other kiln - and getting prepared to move from making trailers for garden tractors to being a potter- as well as helping with community activities. So that is a de-clutter for me and a few dollars more to contribute to NH Community Trust - trying to help our low income population survive. In addition to community gardens and a warming centre and wood share program...

When I boo-booed big time on friday, I went there for someone to tend to the burn on my back. I have no mirror that is not affixed to a wall so no way of seeing the back of my neck. I felt the burn and went for help. Ice and Aloe Vera and TLC. And a pic of the burn.

Not everyone can figure out how to make a brush full of hot wax fly up out of the pan, fly over my head and land on the back on my T-shirt. It blistered some by the time I got help but was considered "ok". They checked it again during the Sunday lunch and yesterday Larry said it looked fine and I could wash my hair. I didn't and last night it oozed so I went to my fav pharmacist for a covering which I took to ... and Michelle put on Polysporin and a large covering bandage. Tomorrow Jane is visiting and will check it. I could have spent several hours in the ER!!! Thankful for good folks!

Pottery came to a screeching halt. In the meantime, R cleaned a couple areas without using a mask and has a serious lung infection and a script for a serious anti-biotic - "Don't come home!" He may make it here tomorrow so we can go hear one of his fav groups; they are living in Nova Scotia and this is a special tour. Hope he makes it! He is bringing shelves for kiln and a book to loan a friend - Trauma Cafe.

I am trying to rid myself of my own life traumas by writing. I hope it helps.

Now to find a couple books to help improve my mood