The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172592   Message #4179537
Posted By: FreddyHeadey
19-Aug-23 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: Performance Venues: UK
Subject: RE: Performance Venues: UK
,,, check the links in the thread linked 11 Aug ?

particularly the
Folk Club Map
NB open in a browser., horizontal\landscape

Probably not A L L but a lot of the ones which make themselves known.
It is currently up to date to not more than about 13 months on a rolling check.

Folk Music Map
not that up to date but it has separate layers to filter
- Supporting Folk Clubs from
- 'other' folk clubs, i.e. ones which dont have guest evenings

Lemonade Lady
I suppose an agent would have their own lists and knowledge about which clubs like what sorts of acts?
