The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172604   Message #4179761
Posted By: Lighter
23-Aug-23 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Valparaiso / Paddy Lay Back
Subject: RE: Origins: Valparaiso / Paddy Lay Back
William B. Sturtevant, in "The American Neptune" (1941), referring to 1886:

1. 'Twas in London in the cold month of December,
    That I found that all my money it was spent.
    How I got there I just don't remember,
    But I down to the shipping office went.
    On that day there was a great demand for sailors,
    For India, China, Java, and for France,
    So I shipped before the mast on the Oxford,
    And we went away to booze all our advance.

    Then it's get back, give in the slack,
    Bear away your capstan, heave a paul. [sic]
    'Bout ship staysails boys be handy,
    Then it's raise tacks, sheets and mainsail haul.

2. We all came on board on a Sunday morning,
    And everyone was heavy on the booze.
    So I sat down on my chest aquietly [sic] thinking,
    Whether I'd turn in my bunk and have a snooze,
    When I heard a voice loudly calling,
    I listened and I heard that voice again.
    It was the chief mate at the forecastle door a-howling!
    Come lay aft boys and answer to your names.

                   Chorus: etc.