The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172592   Message #4179988
Posted By: GUEST
26-Aug-23 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: Performance Venues: UK
Subject: RE: Performance Venues: UK
Folk Diaries are generally awful in terms of being an unmarked mix of reliable and not reliable info.  Also, old websites often don't 'die' when a new one is started.
FaceAche's equivalents are also variable, quite often posted to by the same few folks, thus no help for spotting venues.
It IS a matter of doing your own donkey work to trawl them and make notes of which are well-populated, with plenty of different material.
Mr Red might be the best, freshness-wise.
I contacted the guy running the Folk Map quite recently, and he admitted he was way behind in updating it.
People are only now twigging that adding a "date last updated" tag to each separate info snippet is a good idea.